Guide for submitting
- Login to IDC 2014 submission page provided by . Please note that you must use you EasyChair user name and not your e-mail address to log in.
- Click on “New Submission” link on top of the screen.
- Select the track you want to submit your abstract, and click “Continue”.
- Submission form appears, fill in with your abstract and related information.
- You can fill “N/A” on the text box that is irrelevant to you (such as “Fax”).
- At least one author and two keywords are required.
- Click on “Submit Paper” button.
- Submitted abstract can be modified later by loging-in and click on “My submissions”. The menu on the right will assist you with submission modification.
!IMPORTANT: Please remember that all submissions for IDC2014 must be anonymized for blind review.
All submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG Proceedings Template.
Submission deadlines are found here
Review and publication process
Full- and short papers are subject to double blind peer review. To enable this process, authors must ensure that submitted papers are anonymized. The
IDC Associate chairs will produce meta-reviews and final decisions on acceptance is made on a program committee meeting based on the collected reviews. In cases where it is deemed that papers provide a considerable advance in IDC research but major revisions are needed, papers may be conditionally accepted (this will apply only to full papers). Upon conditional acceptance, an associate chair is assigned to shepherd the revision process. Papers that are conditionally accepted, will be accepted only if the authors make satisfactory revisions to the paper.
In order for papers to be accepted, at least one authors has to register and present the paper at the conference. Accepted full- and short papers will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and authors must assign copyright of the content to ACM.